Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Review: How Starbucks Saved My Life

“ How Starbucks Saved My Life” is a autobiographical endeavor of Michael Gates Gill; a fortunate person since his childhood, a Yale University pass out who holds a successful career in a well-known advertising agency. His life graph has always moved in upward (progressive) direction, with frequent promotions at company until he was struck hard by life. Suddenly his well-organized, “complete” life falls apart and at times he struggles even to make ends meet. But out of blue comes a hope in form of Starbucks and starts a new phase of his life at the ripe age of sixties. This autobiography is a tale of a reputed company’s top creative director’s new “Avatar” as a Starbucks partner; his struggle to forget his past and getting adjusted in new life, with new kind of people, new environment and work culture, changing social life and most importantly new JOB PROFILE.

I had read about this book on a blog and instantly conceived it to be an appealing book (Although now I think I overestimated to some extent). After reading about it wanted to get a copy of this book so badly and wanted to finish it ASAP :). Michael Gates Gill is not a professional writer, as some someone can perceive, but has done a fairly good job with words and has managed to narrate episodes in free flowing manner. Book is an easy read, incidents are narrated as it happened. Gill lapses into past sometimes but it barely looks irrelevant to me. Most importantly, what I liked about the book is that it’s full of positive thinking, a particular type that one needs in times of crisis. I liked the way Michael Gill took the opportunity so positively and tried to make the best out of one chance (and possibly the last chance) he got from life amidst the entire crisis.

Only thing that bothered me was more than necessary words of appreciation for “Starbucks”, I mean it’s obvious to feel gratitude towards something that helped save your but over sweetness is bad for health and you know what I mean, right? ;)

But overall you can grab the book and feel good when you are struggling with blue kind of mood and want to read something light yet encouraging.


  1. Thank you for the review!
    Also, I invite you to come over to know about us at BookRack !

  2. I would love to read this book--it sounds so inspirational. Very nice review!

  3. Thanks Suko. Yes it's indeed a good book to lighten up one’s spirit.
